Wednesday, August 17, 2005

quote of the year...

"Hey look, we're not a bunch of style-concious Auckland fags who want to make a break by getting this article in Pavement. We're a band you cunt!"

sam scott, pavement interview, winter 05

Ha! My brother is so funny. He had told me about this interview at the time but I only just bought the mag today and it made my day to be honest. Good onya sam, you tell em. I think at the time you were worried about it coming out wrong but it just seemed to make the journalist love you even more, it is a very doting article.

Well my computer is going to take 2 weeks to come back to me, AARRRRRHHHHHH!!!!!! I had to do work at school yesteday, YUCK, its stinky and horrible and slow there. Tonight I am trying to do work on anna's laptop but its a mac and i'm finding it rather difficult. I don't know why people say they are better, I have already found many faults and stupid things you can't do at all (like save a photo from the internet into a specific folder, you have to put it on the desktop and then move it) arg.

man i'm grunting a lot in this...just like in real life, ug! argg!

I'm going to give up in favour of doing the dishes (yes, that is what is has come to)

on a happy note today I bought a jaffle iron, confused you haven't I? ha! its a toastie pie maker, hooray! Geez, i'm having some dramatic mood swings, must be the stress, where is my rescue remedy? Where is my chocolate vitasoy?

OH MY GOD! how could I forget to mention disappointing end to Big Brother, to quote my boss australia is fucked. THe logans? how dumb, tim is so cool (lefty tim is my god) logan greg is ok but logan david sucks arse. AND tim is from newtown in sydney, my old stomping ground. poo poo, very sad.

"I do the forty hour famine every week caus it keeps me looking hot" (girl from we can be heroes, abc.)


Anonymous said...

Yes getting botht the words 'cunt' and 'fag' in one pull out quote may be the high point of my music career so far....

ps don't complain about macs. they are smart computers and can make your life very dificult if they know you don't like them

Anonymous said...

Lefty Tim will always be our god, don't forget.

It's so par for the course in Big Brother, NEVER ONCE HAS THE PERSON I LIKE WON!!

Someone had a good theory about this somewhere else - sorry I am about to pilfer it:

Third: Kooky person with love/hate relationship to voters
Second: Person who everyone predicted would win
WINNER: Person who was considered too boring to win

Now let's apply this to each series:

Series 1:
Kooky/3rd = Sara-Marie
Predicted/2nd = Blair

Series 2:
Kooky/3rd = Jess
Predicted/2nd = Marty

Series 3:
Kooky/3rd = Daniel
Predicted/2nd = Christie
WINNER BORING DUMB ASS = Regina (okay this one's a bit wonky cos of the gender reversal - still wish Christie had won though)

Series 4:
Kooky/3rd = Ryan
Predicted/2nd = Bree
WINNER BORING DUMB ASS = Trevor (okay, no one thought Bree would win but Trevor is still a BORING DUMB ASS)

Series 5:
Kooky/3rd = Vesna
Predicted/2nd = Tim
WINNER BORING DUMB ASSES = Bogan Greg and Bogan David

I'm beginning to think I will give up on Big Brother.

kenandjerry said...

YAY I saw We Can Be Heroes it is funny funny funny. The 40 hour famine chick was chosen to do an ad for UNICEF or something and made a speech in assembly bout how only she and one other girl had got an ad and the other girl fot $4000 for the Chicken Jim's commercial so was she goign to get as much.

Not a great anecdote but I laffed and laffed.


Rosie said...

yes em, good pointy. Although I was happy with regi and trevor, would you really have wanted bree to win?

Anonymous said...

listen to sam he is right about macs........
be kind and mac be kind to you.....
and he works better if you feed him chocolate soy milk............xxxx and his owner works better if you buy her jewels and gour met dinners.