Monday, August 13, 2007

8 Random things tag

So Martha tagged me to write 8 random things, well not really, she just vaguely said she tags us all. And seeing as Martha is the only person who reads my blog i feel I should indulge:

1: I was a vege-quarian for 8 years, now I am a fussy-tarian who just eats the meaty bits I feel like - which is mostly chicken pies, yum.

2: I know small amounts of spanish and french, SMALL amounts

3: I used to be in the school choir, and even did choir after I finished school - nerd!

4: I was one of the 3% of choir girls who wasn't christian. Still aint either.

5: I like bad music, like really bad music.

6: I also like really really good music.

7: I cry in movies a lot, especially when animals die or old men fall over.

8: I have eaten two bowls of cocoa pops today but i usually eat wheat free muesli.

now I tag Kerry and Jen because they don't do nothing anymore!


Martha Craig said...

You rulz the schoolz.

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ, Rosiemunda! I accept your challenge!
K x

Anonymous said...

rosie, I have just had a renewed wave of enthusiasm for bloggging, mostly reading other people's fav at the moment is wildyoungunderwhimsy.blogspot it's incredibly entertaining. I hope you're having a nice time in NZ

nelly bloggs said...

I read your blog my darling - even 2 years later!