Thursday, May 25, 2006

aussie aussie aussie! No no no!

well I did try. I just watched greece vs australia in the warm up soccer game before the world cup. Of course normally under any circumstance i would root for whoever is not australia (unless its South Africa) but in this game AU was by far the underdog so I half heartedly tried to root for them. IT didn't work. And Australia won.

Everyone tells me I should be going for australia in the world cup but I can't do it! I hate Australia!!(in sport) They're such arrogant bastards!! and they're too good!

I am now trying to decide who to root for. They need to be kinda an underdog but also with a posibiliy of winning, I'm thinking spain... and ideas?


kenandjerry said...

since when have you watched the soccer world cup?

kenandjerry said...

hahah ROSIE LIKES SPORTS ROSIE LIKES SPORTS at least you have chosen one where pretty biys embrace one another tearfully rather than pound the shit out of one another.

On a more personal note, I found myself always supporting Aussies when NZ weren't playing! If it's not us, then better them ANZAC spirit and all that. Especially when they win a lot. PLus I'm a quarter Aussie (only when Aus is playing, when it's NZ I'm practically a tiki)...

kenandjerry said...

Rosemeister you still alive? Miss you sweet.

kenandjerry said...

Hahah Freddie ljungberg is the hotTTy hot hot I just put on our blog. Self-promotion I know but check it out...

Go Sweden! Mmmm