Tuesday, May 16, 2006

haggus everlasting

Well since my last post I have not changed from haggus face. I still have plenty to moan about and I hereby pledge to not hold back and to share my whingings with the world!

I got a my space thingee yesterday because i wanted to comment on sam's one but apparently i'm not his "friend" so I couln't, even though I made him my friend the feeling is still not mutual. It is all very confusing..

moan list:

I am feeling sick and have been for 3 weeks!

Doctorbs say 'who cares!'

I have a presentation I should be doing today but i'm not going so that I can go to the doctorb.

I have so much school work to do it makes me want to cry

I am incapable of doing any work

My cat stinks, all the time

All my clothes are dirty, I am wearing the strange ones from the bottom of drawers and sexy undies (they are the last resort)

On the upside Big Brother is back on, HOORAY!

1 comment:

kenandjerry said...

i know exactly how you feel. i can sympathise with every item on your list. as for the no clean clothes comment, i have almost (ALMOST) got to the point of having to waer things inside out as a DESPERATE last resort because my flatmates seem to have a never ending stream of washing that needs to be done. i'm serious. i have never known anyone to have so many things that constantly need to be washed.
take care,
k xx