Friday, May 19, 2006

sick like a bitch

Well the moan list hasn't got much shorter, I am still a sicky pants. Hopeless. And the moan list got bigger 2 days ago when our hot water cylinder broke, thats what you love in winter eh?

But our funny old lady landlord came to the rescue and we got a new hot water cylinder and finaly a new stove, hooray! The stove has been an issue for a while as is was so old and corroded that it was leaking gas (fun). Although when she came around she tried to tell me that it was my fault 'what you expec, iss so dirrty, no broken' (does that translate to italian accent?)

I tested it out with some gourmet popcorn making last night, was sensational

1 comment:

kenandjerry said...

Oh rosemeister in the wars I see! It is horrible, winter makes me sad and I want to murder people for no reason. So I empathise with you..(but only a little because I am bordering on sociopathy..)I do hope you get better, you get some medical attention asap and Smelly Cat gets some veterinary care too maybe.
