Tuesday, May 31, 2005

less poignant blog

please see below blog. But also... thought i should mention my minor disaster of the minute:

yesterday I was making a model for school (very busily doing this at the moment) and by accident I spilt molten wax down the sink and blocked it. Stayed up till 2am pouring boiling water down drain to try to unblock to no avail. Left very appologetic note to flatmate swearing I will pay for plumber etc. Today I have spent another 3 or so hours pouring water down and it seems to be better. also cleaned entire kitchen very thoroughly and bought flowers. Should my flatmates still have the shits with me? I have been getting some dirty looks and not sure if I deserve it, maybe I do?


Anonymous said...

If the drain is unblocked, the kitchen is clean, and the sweet smell of flowers fills the air (thanks to you)than no the flatties should not be shooting you black looks...
good effort bud, thats like 6 hours pouring hot water down the drain, maybe you should be a plumber with effieceint techniques like that!!

Anonymous said...

thankyou, its nice to know someone appreciates my efforts.

Anonymous said...

try taking off the U-bend under the sink (put a bucket under it first) it is hard to melt wax with hot water - you are going to have to dismantle the pipes to get it out. then you will have a joseph beuys sculpture to add to your portfolio!

Rosie said...

who is joseph beuys? I managed to fix the sink with the boiling water scenario so is ok now, flatmates seem to have forgiven me.