Thursday, May 26, 2005


To my dismay thisafternoon I went to update my blog and it had disappeared! I was very distressed, surely my new found blog joy was not to be over this soon? Alas I had a nap and when I woke up it was back,yay, naps fix everything. I should find out if I have the got the lease on this amazing house tomorrow, it's a mansion with a giant garden, not sure if we'll get it though there were a lot of yuppies at the inspection.

Thankyou for comments Martha and Jessie, so exciting to have this global blogger community, sorry jessie I didn't know who you were but i think maybe you are Audreys sister? Did I know you in wellingon? It possible that we knew each other but not the connection. Do you two have blogs? I would love to visit.

The response to my design work has been overwhelmng (har, do I sound like morning tv host) so I'm going to put up some retrospective work from earlier in the year, I only have 2 weeks to go of this term then holidays, yay!

Found out form kerry (see bottom photo) when she is coming to stay with me in melbourne, i'm so excited, yay, i have so many things to say yay about in this blog. I think beloved Jen will be coming down from canberra so yay for that.

Toodle- oo


Rosie said...

who are you? Go away, unless you are joking. Make your secret identity known!

Anonymous said...

More like US should join Canada!

Anonymous said...

where the bloody hell is my photo? I no longer consider you my friend! I will now have to expose you to NW as the trampy trailer park woman that you are!!
luv your X best friend Julee ( i crying now....)

Rosie said...

emily is this superman your friend? You must know him, i checked his profile and he is one of the homosex, don't you all know each other?

Jessie said...

Hey Rosie, you're right I am Aud's sister but I don't think we have met. If you click on my name you will eventually find my site :)