Thursday, November 17, 2005

Installment 2:

Minka and Juans Wedding, aw

tis wedding season, somehow marriage is trendy again, i find this a little disconcerting having committed myself to the 1990's view that marriage is like so not cool and a dying institution etc etc however I am glad it is cool again (yes I know everyone loves each other, not just marrying coz its cool bale blah) because I am very much enjoying attending weddings, hooray!

So minka and juan got married a week or so ago at St Jeromes, the bar at which they first met as they are both dj's. They are both super cool and looked amazing but I have no photos so use your imagination. Twas lovely ceremony etc etc

the HIGHLIGHT of the evening was my little pack of rosamonds (the cafe I work at where minka used to work) getting rip-roaring drunk and behaving like fools. No-one else would come near us. It was the drunkest I have been all year. After skulling booze for about 8 hours we started dancing, what minka calls slam dancing, which means we were just sort of jumping around and falling over onto each other but managing to bounce back up.

The most embarrassing point was me talking to juan about how great they are and how some people are meant to be together (sob) and some people aren't (sob) and it was beautiful, (sniff ) and they are great and meant to be together but not everyone can be together (sob) and Juan just walked off in the middle of my speech, fair enough too, I was terribly tragic.



1 comment:

kenandjerry said...

oh you have such an exiting life... melbourne is the place to be. (sob)
k xx