Sunday, October 30, 2005

tagged like a bitch part 2

Emily tagged my a while ago with the '20 things about me' challenge so here goes:

1 I am an attention seeker
2 I broke both my arms at the same time when I was 12 from falling over
3 I am lover of all animals except slimy ones (eg slugs, yuck!)
4 I am undertaking my second attempt at a design degree in interior design
5 My first attempt at a design degree was in Landscape architecture and I dabbled in illustration.
6 I failed 6th form and got an A bursary in 7th form
7 I secretly (or not so) want to be on Australian idol, or I’d maybe even settle for big brother.
8 I love my family the mostest in the whole wide world
9 Without the influence of my siblings and their girlfriends I would be a complete loser.
10 I never used to drink coffee and now I am a coffee snob
11 My mother is better looking than me (and I don’t mean when she was my age, currently too)
12 I am better looking than my father but we have the same ankles, and eyelashes
13 I am a pet pervert, I always want to pat people’s dogs on the street and if visiting someone and their cat I want the cat to like ME the best
14 I will be a bridesmaid for the second time in January
15 I love gardening and NZ house and garden is one of my favourite magazines
16 I am the clumsiest person in the world
17 My sister taught me about pop, my dad taught me about rock n’ roll, my mum about classical music and my brothers about indie. Most of the time my sister’s influence wins out and I listen to ABBA and Madonna.
18 I can play the piano and sang in choirs up until last year.
19 I have an amazing memory for useless crap and can recite lines from many TV shows and movies
20 Like Emily I am a procrastinator and I am writing this entry when I should be working on my major project which is due tomorrow!

I tag Jen and Kerry, you both have to do it, just coz you share a blog doesn't get you out of it!

And Jesse

I might also tag norweigan forest cat just for fun,


kenandjerry said...

damn you rosie... damn you to hell!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I win the musical influence prize! Mostly...

Nice list, fascinating facts!

kenandjerry said...

hahah I KNOW it's not funny but I lauged out loud when I read your list of 20, when you broke your arms. It was awful but also, in retrospect, hilarious. HA

sorry, but it's funny.


kenandjerry said...

Hey Rose where you at? Me and Kerry both step up to the plate wiht the 20 things challenge only to find you have ABANDONED the blogging world!

Are you mad cos I said it was funny that you broke both your arms??

Anonymous said...

Rosie Jelly - in regards to number 16 - I think I could now wrestle that title off you (may knock myself out in the process.) This morning I woke up with a long, red, PAPER CUT running down my face. I think it was a persex Charlies Angels sign that was sewn to my t-shirt arm - part of Halloween costume.. So injuring yourself in your sleep must take a clumsy cake.
Good list by the way. Im glad you didnt tell us your favourite colour.

kenandjerry said...

are you alove? where have you gone? need new posts please...

nelly bloggs said...

Rosie, what has happened to your blogging? Are you working too hard?
I well remember the nightmare of the broken arms. When we got you home from the hospital I bought McDonalds to cheer you up and you found you couldn't eat because both your arms were strapped up in slings! Waah! I had to feed you your chips one by one.