Sunday, October 16, 2005

copy cat

jumping on the band wagon here i've copied jessie and martha by typing in 'rosie needs' into google to see the hilarious outcome, i didn't get it at first (scuse stupied comment on wanda harland) have spent to long cutting out vertebrae out of plastic vacform (dont ask) so here goes:

Rosie needs to fuck

Rosie needs some direction to keep her in line

Rosie is a very smart young lady who needs help with her school work

Rosie needs a family that has animals, two parents or a single mother who will love her forever

Rosie needs to find out the source of the smell before the two puppies end up
back at the pound

Rosie needs to feel loved and the only way she has found that, is to adopt children!!

Rosie needs to get off her high horse

A Rosie By Any Other Name... Would Still Smell Like Crap

that last one wasn't a 'rosie needs' but it came up in the search and I thought it was worth a mention.

1 comment:

nelly bloggs said...

How hilarious. I think I get it. I have done a few for me - just the first ones that came up:

Helen needs to change her life and quickly
Helen needs a bigger apartment
Helen needs to find some soldiers that were in the 4th Infantry Division (do I ever!)
Helen needs to make a feature length film for widespread
distribution(I'm working on it)
Helen needs your immediate attention (thank you, thank you)